Following the latest edicts, we have reluctantly decided to postpone the PAES Study Day on 28th March.
Please contact the organizer for a refund.
With his revolutionary innovation in painting’s structure and brushwork Leonardo is rightly regarded as the founder of High Renaissance. However, due, probably, to his early life and personality many of his paintings remain unfinished. Consequently, we shall study his drawings, also works of art, but also more wide-ranging in subject matter and revealing of his scientific as well as artistic theories illustrating botany, anatomy, engineering, geography etc.
09.45 Registration
10.00 – 11.00 Leonardo da Vinci (1)
Leonardo’s use of stock facial types in drawings and the reasons for this. Psychological theories about Leonardo. His early career in Florence and move to Milan. Development of High Renaissance group structure, sfumato and contrapposto. Philosophical ideas and technological/anatomical drawings.
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee and Tea
11.30 – 12.30 Leonardo da Vinci (2)
Leonardo’s later career in Milan. Work for the Sforza rulers and a detailed study of the Last Supper (including preliminary drawings) and his two versions of “The Virgin of the Rocks”
12.30 – 1.30 Lunch by Daisy’s and tea and coffee
1.30 – 2.30 Leonardo da Vinci(3)
Leonardo’s return to Florence and drawings for the “Battle of Anghiari”. The final part of his career – Mona Lisa, Leda and later anatomical/botanical drawings (with a consideration of how scientific they are), Deluge drawings and late work for the French Court.